A Champion for Divorced Women: Move forward to independence and freedom

Michelle O’Neil has been a champion for divorced women throughout the span of her entire 30+ year as a divorce litigation attorney. In this episode, she tells the story of how her passion for advocating for women after divorce has its roots in the experiences her mother had in an abusive marriage. Not unlike many, many other women, Michelle’s mother experience great trauma, including a number of miscarriages, at the hands of her abusive first husband and only found peace when she met Michelle’s father. Michelle’s father instilled in her the mission to advocate for women like her mother who, in the 1960s, had to choose literally between certain death at the hands of an abusive husband or find the strength to risk leaving it all behind and seek a divorce. So many women after divorce, even in 2024, find themselves in poverty or at least struggling personally and financially following divorce. Michelle provides 3 action items women after divorce can implement today to propel forward to independence and freedom.
A Champion for Divorced Women: Move forward to independence and freedom
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